
Fish Lake.....again!

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So we took papa with us to fish lake last weekend and just relaxed with the kids and Cosmo. Here is a look at the trip.


Happy 32nd!

I just wanted to tell Kirstie Happy Birthday!

We had a fun party for her that Jeff gave. He BBQ'd chicken that was delicious and everyone brought something to share! All the kids ran around having a great time. There arn't many of Kirstie's Birthdays that I can remember where there was school the next day. So we did have to cut the party short (but i don't think Kirstie minded at all...........hee hee)

..............anyway Happy Birthday to the best sister!


frankie and florence

Stay at home mom....

I've been looking forward to these past two weeks for a while. Mostly out of curiosity. This is my first year with both kids in school all day long. I had grand plans as to what I could get done with all this time to myself.

I have to say I've not done any of the things I thought I would be able to get done. Last week I was able to take my grandma on some errands a couple of the days. This is one of my favorite things to do. I feel so lucky to spend this time with her. I get to know things about her like what movies she likes (she bought a few new ones at Shopko) and what kind of socks she buys!

I have been running around everyday trying to get the carnival organized for PTA, the incentive store up and running for the kids school, selling those *@#* t-shirts everyday after school, back to school night organized (where the teachers out numbered the families....ughhh) and trying to get ready for my last semester of nursing program. Need less to say this time has flown by too quickly. I haven't accomplished what I thought I was going to, but the trade off has been worth it. I love being at the kids school getting to know the kids in their classes and seeing their cute smiles when they see me in the office and say "Hi Mom!" and then all the kids around saying "Hi Owen's Mom!" I get to spend time with my grandma without the kids and I can just talk to her without interruption.

The ironic thing is I've had two other mom's say to me, "I don't know how you just stay home all day I would be so bored, aren't you going back to work? I could never stay home." I quickly reply that I am going to finish nursing school this fall, but why do I have to feel like I have to justify myself just because I stay home?

I've thought about what I would do at this point in my life. I love being a stay at home mom. I love being able to be at my kids school. I love taking them to school and picking them up. I like getting laundry done during the day and going to the grocery store. Why is it that being a stay at home Mom doesn't qualify as a job? Why do I have to feel like I have to justify not having a job in addition to being a stay at home mom? Do people really think a stay at home mom has nothing to do?

I don't know what the answer is. All I know is that I have the constant struggle within myself about this topic. Let me know what you think.


First day of School

So this post is a little late but I wanted to post it anyway. Sydni started school on Aug 4th. This is her all ready to head off to 3rd grade. She's in Mrs. Bergen's class. So far she making it through. The first week was hard because she was the only one in school since Owen didn't start until the following Monday.
Owen wanted to get in on the pictures even though he wasn't ready for the day. (I think he was just glad it wasn't him going to school!)
So now there should be a picture of Owen on his first day right?..... Well it was sad around our house on Owen's first day and I didn't get the pictures. I was lucky to get him to school and get him to stay. There were tears (No, not me they were all Owen tears) and many promises that had to be made, including a promise to not leave the house while he was at school, in order to get him to stay. When I went to pick him up he was all smiles. So I guess it was a good day. He did say it was a looooong day but he had a good time.


Mom's Birthday

Happy Birthday Mom!

I am so glad we finally got to have a party for you. Thank you for being such a great grandma to all these cute kids. They love you so much. I'm so glad to have you as a friend. It's been fun to spend time with you this summer. I hope it's a great year for you.
Happy Birthday!