
ok it's time....

So it's been a while since my last post. I can only say that I have barely survived the last 6 weeks and only 9 more to go. I've been on survival mode since I started school again. Survival mode for me means the only things I get done are those that are a matter of life and death. So.......can my family live with toys all over the house, yes, but we do have to eat.........how clean does the bathroom really have to be, not very, unless the kids ask if they can clean it.......will anyone really notice how long it's been since I mopped the kitchen floor, yes, but can I live with that?????

These are some of the things I have to try to ignore while I sit and try to study. I am crossing the weeks off like I was pregnant again and counting down to my due date. (except I've been pregnant with this baby for about 5 years now) Everything else is going well. My poor family is just as excited as I am to be done. Ken is great. He gets the kids up and off to school when I have to leave early. He asks how my tests are each week and doesn't take it too personally when I get overwhelmed.

When I look at my life though I realize how blessed I am. I have been able to go to school and get a degree in an area I never thought I was smart enough for. I have an awesome husband and two great kids (that only drive me crazy some of the time :). We are all healthy and happy and that's all that counts at the end of the day!


The Fair

Click to play State fair
Make a Smilebox postcard

My mom invited us to go to the fair last weekend. The kids were very excited and it was a great way to spend a Friday night. We had a Navajo taco and the kids had corn dogs for dinner. I am happy just watching the people walk around the fair. It is better than people watching at the airport. I discovered that scrapbooking is quite popular as a fair entry and canning is becoming a lost art.

Labor Day Bowl

So we decided to take the kids bowling for labor day. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. We started out heading for a movie but the one PG movie was sold, so we went to Fat Cats to go bowling. Well it was an hour and a half wait and we didn't want to spend an hour and a half worth of quarters in the arcade to wait so we found this little dive of a bowing ally and surprise.....no waiting! It was Owens first time and Syd hasn't been for a while so we all had a great time.


Family Home Evening

Monday night for FHE we practiced the kids parts for the primary program. Each of the kids has to sing part of a song with a group of other kids. So I was having them sing along with the songs and I noticed that Owen's changed the words to "I Love to see the Temple". You know the first vs that goes, "For the Temple is a house of God" Owen sings "For the Temple is a house of FUN".

Anyone up for some fun?