
The Fair

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My mom invited us to go to the fair last weekend. The kids were very excited and it was a great way to spend a Friday night. We had a Navajo taco and the kids had corn dogs for dinner. I am happy just watching the people walk around the fair. It is better than people watching at the airport. I discovered that scrapbooking is quite popular as a fair entry and canning is becoming a lost art.


Reese Gang said...

Looks great Mandy. I love Owens boots.

Isaac and Dallas said...

What a fun place. Dont you love to watch some of the people there. I also love Owens boots. Those are awesome. Looks like a fun time.

Anonymous said...

We totally missed it this year. Looks like a blast though...we will have to shoot for next year!

Caleb and Marci said...

I love your new background, and the fair looks super fun. I am sad we didn't go, though I want to see how high Owen and Syd could hit the strong man thing with the hammer. :-)