

This week has been full of all the end of school fun activities. Owen graduated on Monday. The program consisted of three songs including "We're Going on a Bear Hunt, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Days of the Week." The day was full of both excitement and tears. He's not thrilled about kindergarten and keeps asking how many more days until school starts again.
After graduation I told him we could go to lunch and he could pick anywhere he wanted to go since it was such a special day. He thought and thought. I was hoping we wouldn't end up at McDonalds but decided it was what ever he wanted. As we drove he was having a hard time making up his mind and it was quiet for a while. Then he said, "I know. You have to guess. It's noodles," (I'm thinking Spaghetti Factory sounds awesome!) he goes on, "It starts with a 'T'."
(Have you guessed it?)
Yeppers......Top Romen!! Leave it to Owen to choose a $0.10 Lunch date. Watch out girls.


Alesha said...

Cute kids! I cant believe both of your kids will be in school all day! Crazy! They are both so cute! And what a good Aunt you are buying Frank that rubber snake! Im sure he thought that was a lot cooler than the flash cards I gave him! Ü

Jenifer said...

LOL!!! That is so cute! how nice to have a kid that is easy to please!

Rain and Kari said...

Owen this made my whole day!

K Lovell said...

Owen you are too cute and I love you tons! Kindergarten will be tons of fun and I know you will learn alot.

Beth said...

Owen you sure do know how to pick a great lunch!

Reese Gang said...

We love Raman at our house too. Owen you can come visit anytime!